Tuesday, 17 September 2013

Apple and Blackberry Pie.

 Right I wanted to do one last post before heading back to university (third year..eek). So here it is!

I also thought I'd share this...I wanted to leave my baking cupboard in good order too - so I had a bit of a tidy. We don't have much cupboard space in our kitchen at home..this is probably why. 


This week I decided to make an apple and blackberry pie. It may or may not have had something to do with watching pie week on Great British Bake-Off...

I'm not particularly inventive when it comes to thinking up different combinations - so I just went for a good old apple and blackberry. I used the Hairy Bikers' Perfect Apple Pie recipe. 

There are blackberries galore in the supermarket at the moment, and probably quite cheap too, but I decided to get them the old-fashioned way and went blackberrying. How very twee :P

So back in the kitchen...I made the shortcrust pastry. It's not very sweet - just a couple of tbsps of sugar in the recipe.

Then this happened. I used a 25cm pie pan. It was stressful but the pastry survived!

Now for the pie filling. This was a mix of apple, cinnamon, golden caster sugar, cornflour (to avoid a soggy bottom!) and a sprinkling of blackberries. 

I then added the pastry top and made it look pretty. It probably needed a bit more filling as the pastry ended up drooping a little and making the pie a little flat. Anyway, I stamped out a few leaves, brushed a bit of egg wash on top, made a couple of holes in the middle and then popped it in the oven for 45 minutes at 200C. I put a bit of baking parchment over the top at the end to stop it from the burning.

So there you have it! Apple and blackberry pie..and perhaps with a hint of a soggy bottom..

I may not have as much time in the next few weeks/months to update the blog, as university is calling! However, hopefully I'll have some time to do something nearer Christmas! So until then . . .