Monday 4 June 2012

The Diamond Jubilee - Great British Battenberg

 I know it's Jubilee overload at the moment, but still, I thought I'd enter into the spirit of things! So what better way to mark the Queen's Diamond Jubilee than a Union Jack battenberg? I'm sure she's partial to a bit of good old battenberg . . .

I came across this recipe on the BBC Food website  and thought it would be something to keep me occupied this rainy Bank Holiday Monday. It was quite tricky to make, so it's not the perfect of Union Jacks. Admittedly, it looks a bit more green than blue and it's also in need of more jam, but if you squint a bit, you can perhaps see what I was going for!

So here it is. . .the Great British battenberg, made in honour of Her Royal Majesty.